Discover a NEW CTO Live Cases series
This series will bring together members of the CTO community to chat and share their experiences. Every month Alexandre Avran will invite a close friend to practice together a tremendous CTO and share a friendly interview about their common history.
These episodes will be available every last Wednesday of the month and will highlight the camaraderie and shared knowledge of the CTO community
Discover all the episodes below:
• Ahmed ElGuindy •
Flush ostial RCA CTO - No antegrade visualization
• Roberto Garbo •
Ostial LAD occlusion with left main/Cx megatron stent
• Thomas Hovasse •
Long RCA occlusion: antegrade or retrograde approach?
• Stéphane Carlier •
A lesson of Ivus
• Masahisa Yamane •
A complex ostial LAD occlusion in a 67 years old man
• Pierfrancesco Agostoni •
Blunt proximal LAD occlusion
• Kambis Mashayekhi •
Proximal RCA occlusion with ipsi and controlateral collateral
• Stéphane Rinfret •
Ostial LCX occlusion through left main LAD struts - beware of complication
• Cédric Kowalski •
Nothing is simple !
• Alessandro Scalia •
Where is my guidewire? Only IVUS knows - A story about an ambiguous RCA proximal cap
• Francesco Paolo Ariano •
Retry of an ostial LAD CTO, previous antegrade failure with Gaia family
• Georges El Hachem •
Everything you wanted to know about Recross without having to ask
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