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This didactic procedure concerns a left side ilio-femoral chronic venous obstruction.

Educationnel objectives

  • Plan a step-by-step ilio-femoral chronic venous obstruction procedure.
  • Materials choice: guidewires, support catheters, balloons and dedicated stents.
  • Learn different techniques to advance and manipulate guidewire through the occlusion.
  • How to proceed to an optimal lesion preparation?
  • Tips and tricks for a good positioning and implantation of the stents.
  • Advantage and usefulness of IVUS to optimize the procedure?
  • Importance of adjunctive pharmacotherapies?

Step-by-step procedure: Left internal carotid artery stenting

1) Access sites:

  • Femoral access: Echo guided puncture at mid femoral vein (Sheath position: upstream to the lesion and avoid conflict between the sheath and the occlusion).
  • 7 French sheath.
  • First contrast injection to establish vein cartography with different collaterals.
  • Anticoagulation.

2) Recanalization

  • Park an angled stiff Terumo® RADIOFOCUS® wire 0.035” at the entry of the occlusion.
  • Advance the wire through the occlusion: with a combination of torque and push movements with the support of a vertebral Glidecath® TERUMO®catheter 4Fr.
  • Improve wire support after advancing through the lesion with a support catheter TrailBlazer™ catheter (after 2-3cm through the occlusion, improving the support to ensure enough pushability is extremely important).
  • Check the trajectory of the wire in different orthogonal projections to be sure that the wire is in the vessel structure.
  • Advancement with the loop wire technique in the common iliac vein (in case of failure to advance with the straight tip of the wire).
  • Angio control to check the progression of the wire.
  • Tips and tricks: To be sure that you are in the IVC: In the lateral projection, the wire or the catheter should be ventral to the vertebral body.
  • After crossing the lesion exchange with a 0.035” Amplatz super stiff™ wire.
  • Balloon pre-dilatation: Balloon pre-dilatation should be done from healthy -to- healthy part of the vein. A 7*60 mm Mustang® balloon used to dilate at the distal part of the occlusion (usually start at the proximal part of the occlusion unless facing difficulties to progress the balloon through the occlusion).
  • Pre-dilatation with a 12*80mm Mustang® balloon.
  • Stent diameter choice: external iliac vein: 12-14cm and common iliac vein: 14 -16 cm.
  • IVUS control VISION PV 8.5 Fr 0.035”*90cm : Useful information from IVUS: results of the pre-dilatation, maximum point of the compression, length and diameter of the stent and landing zone of the stent (in addition to reducing contrast injection and radiation).
  • Positioning the stent from healthy to health part of the vein.
  • Use a dedicated vein stent ATLAS GOLD® 14*60mm, ABRE™ STENT 14*150mm, ABRE™ stent 12-80mm (avoid overlapping at the level of the ligament area).
  • Post dilation of the stent.
  • IVUS control : stent opening geometry and control the landing zone.
  • Final angio control: stent patency with no visualization of the deep femoral vein and the collaterals.
  • Adjunctive therapies: Aggressive anticoagulation to maintain stent patency.
  • Femoral access: Echo guided puncture at mid femoral vein (Sheath position: upstream to the lesion and avoid conflict between the sheath and the occlusion).
  • 7 French sheath.
  • First contrast injection to establish vein cartography with different collaterals.
  • Anticoagulation.


  • Procedure time 125 min
  • Exposure time 29.91 min
  • Exposure 11463 mGy.cm²
  • Contrast vomule :70ml Ioméron 350


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Date du tournage : 07/09/2020
Dernière mise à jour : 05/11/2021

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  • Mangesh T. Highly impressed with Proper guidance, Good Selection of Hardware materials, devices used & IR Techniques applied for the Re-Vascularisation of Chronically Occluded (Thrombotic) Left ilio-femoral Venous tract. Cause offcourse May-Thurner’s Compression. Few Questions to Main operator Dr. Houman Jalaie Sir are as follows-

    1) Why Atlas gold high pressure balloon used in Post Stenting Dilatation when more pressure is needed in Pre-dilatation and breaking of Chronic fibrotic synaechie in Venous lumen?

    2) Mustang has 24 atm bursting pressure while Atlas Gold & Conquest PTA Ballons has 30-40 atm bursting pressure.

    3) How Vessel preparation prior to Dedicated Venous Stenting matters more?

    4) Can we use Popliteal Vein Access site instead of Mid thigh SFV Site? so that 10 Fr Introducer sheath can be easily fixed and Large bore Stent deployment possible with long working shaft.

    5) How aggressively , How long Post Venous Stenting Anticoagulation Therapy followed? What about Surviellence & follow up check ups Schedule in this case?

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