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       Contrast Agent Protocol

           Use of 180ml of Xenetix 300 as a contrast agent

Patient history

•Female, 75 y.
•Risk factors : HBP
•Medical history : atrial fibrillation, asthma, hysterectomy, surgery for a colon cancer
•Biological parameters : mild renal dysfunction
•Discovery of multiple site atherosclerosis on follow up

Atherosclerotic lesions sites

•Coronary artery disease : yes
•Lower limbs artery disease : no
•Cerebrovascular disease : yes
•Renovascular disease : no

Previous endovascular procedures

•Angioplasty of the left internal carotid artery with a Wallstent (BS)
•Angioplasty of the right internal carotid artery using an ADAPT stent (BS)

Planned procedure

•DAPT, heparin 70 UI/kg during procedure
•Right radial 5 Fr. access
•Sheathless guiding catheter  7 Fr. (Asahi)
•Predilatation with  2.5*30 ballon of the LAD artery and implantation of DES
•Predilatation of the left main with a non compliant 3*20 balloon and implantation of  DES
•Kissing balloons (LAD and Circumflex) 

Learning Points

           •Management of patients with simultaneous or concomitant carotid and coronary artery lesions
           •Importance of regular follow-up to detect new atheromatous lesions in patients at risk
           •Treatment of bilateral carotid artery lesions by carotid stenting
           •Treatment of left main coronary artery stenosis by stenting and reconstruction of distal bifurcation (LAD – LCX)


Date du tournage : 16/12/2014
Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021
Max Amor
Essey-lès-Nancy, France
Julien Lemoine
Essey-Lès-Nancy, France
1 comment
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  • venkatesa reddy D. very well educated

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