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This 25-minute case concerns a 74-year-old man with an infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm that measures 65 mm. The patient is treated with a low profile endograft under local anesthesia and a complete percutaneous approach with pre-closing. 

Step-by-Step Procedure:

  • Introduction and description of the case
  • Selection of aortic endograft and iliac branches
  • Right and left femoral percutaneous pre-closing under external echography
  • Placement of aortic endograft body
  • Placement of the left iliac endograft branch
  • Placement of the right iliac endograft branch
  • Dilatation of the endograft (aortic and iliac)
  • Final results
  • Closing of left and right groin and conclusion

Learning points:

  • Complete percutaneous approach of right and left femoral access
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm CT scan analysis for aorta and iliac arteries
  • Selection of aortic endograft and iliac branches
  • Technique of pre-closing under external echography
  • Steps for aortic and iliac endograft placement
  • Percutaneous closing of large femoral access 


Date du tournage : 00/00/0000
Dernière mise à jour : 11/05/2021

Our Cases of the Month

The case of the month is a new way for our users to watch, learn, and share with incathlab. They can watch a video that highlights an innovative case and uses excellent pedagogical techniques, lear...

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  • Max A. Excellent Step by Step case . Thank U Dr Pratesi & Dr Barbante .

    • Giovanni P. Thank you Dr Amor for selecting our case as case of the month. Kindest regards, G

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  • Park J. I am from korea. your case show the standard step-by-step EVAR procedure delicately and kindly. next time i hope you make a chance for the standard iliac artery embolization. I want that method from european style. thanks for nice case.

    • Giovanni P. Thanks Dr Hong. It will be our pleasure...even if internal iliac artery embolization procedure is a very rare procedure in the iliac branch endograft era. Regards, G

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  • dHAMANEKAR M. Good case . With low dose

    • Giovanni P. Thanks Dr Maruti. Is this your experience also? G

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    • aksüyek A. nice case..

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      • Alexandre P. Interesting

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