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Popliteal artery bifurcation stenting from contralateral groin approach in a patient with Critical Limb Ischemia (CLI)
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K R.Why did we deploy stent in pop ata and tpt. There is no flow limiting dissection or >30% residual lesion in pop and tibial vessels after plasty. You could have left it there. Leaving even non flow limiting dissection is acceptable in tibials. The idea behing doing BTK is just to heal the foot lesion which could be achieved with plasty alone as you did
Deploying stent actually adds time, contrast and radiation exposure , cost on procedure. Does not any therapeutic benefit. And one more thing no need for DCB plasty for tibials.
mohamad ali A.its a good point i guess he wouldnt deploy it if there wasnt a plan of kissing for ata and tpt
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K R. Why did we deploy stent in pop ata and tpt. There is no flow limiting dissection or >30% residual lesion in pop and tibial vessels after plasty. You could have left it there. Leaving even non flow limiting dissection is acceptable in tibials. The idea behing doing BTK is just to heal the foot lesion which could be achieved with plasty alone as you did
Deploying stent actually adds time, contrast and radiation exposure , cost on procedure. Does not any therapeutic benefit. And one more thing no need for DCB plasty for tibials.
mohamad ali A. its a good point i guess he wouldnt deploy it if there wasnt a plan of kissing for ata and tpt
Venkatesa R. very good