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M. D, 71 years old
Rutherford class 3 (intermittent claudication 150 meters)
Previous PIA dilatation with V12 covered stent
Balton Jaguar stent in the EIA
SFA medial lesion
Surgery history
Previous Internal Carotid Endarteriectomy 
Medical history
Smoking cessation
Diabete mellitus
Date du tournage : 04/05/2017
Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021
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  • Fuad J. very good

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    • Stuart B. Questions:
      1. Do you always go Antegrade and if no bifurcation issue why not go up and over?
      2. Do you typically predilate with same size (why not 1 size smaller) is there any benefit to either strategy?

      Thank you. Great video

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      • Akar ?. Why did he prefer stent ? Why didn't he prefer drug eluted balloon?

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        Tokyo : Vendredi 5 mai 2017 de 02h à 03h15 (GMT+2)
        Sydney : Vendredi 5 mai 2017 de 04h à 05h15 (GMT+2)
        Wellington : Vendredi 5 mai 2017 de 06h à 07h15 (GMT+2)

        New self expanding nitinol stent for SFA angioplasty

        An adapted treatment?

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        Honolulu : Vendredi 7 février 2025 de 02h à 04h (GMT+1)
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        Sydney : Vendredi 7 février 2025 de 22h à 00h (GMT+1)
        Wellington : Samedi 8 février 2025 de 00h à 02h (GMT+1)

        The Drug Eluting Technology Show

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