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Case summary

  • 81 Years old male
  • Risk factors : former smoker
  • Medical history : ischemic heart disease (triple coronary bypass), lower limb artery disease, right carotid angioplasty( PRECISE, 2016)
  • Clinical symptoms : bilateral lower limb intermittent claudication stage 2b
  • Biological parameters : serum creatinine 11mg/L
  • On going treatement : aspirin, clopidogrel, bisoprolol, ramipril, atorvastatine 20mg


  1. Controlateral femoral access

  2. 6F braided introducer - long lesion (10cm) from distal to tibial artery

  3. Subintimal or intraluminal angioplasty at level of SFA

  4. Dilatation and stenting proximal part (Eluvia)

  5. Tibioperoneal trunk angioplasty : 3.5/3 balloon - 3.5/28 Promus stent

  6. Preservation of posterior tibial artery - excellent vascularization of a foot 

  7. Final assesment and treatment of TPT stenosis  : good preservation of SFA - proximal popliteal artery and tibioperoneal trunk


Diagnostic images






Date du tournage : 13/07/2016
Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021
Max Amor
Essey-lès-Nancy, France

Promus PREMIER™ / Boston Scientific

Everolimus-Eluting Platinum Chromium Coronary Stent System
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  • arie B. 80 years old with claudication in mid range is not highly symptomatic and the procedure is not indicated how long this remained open ?/

    • Max A. Our experience is satisfactory in this territory for such anatomy . Thank you for your comment Arie.

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  • Segal D. Nice job! What are your thoughts about athrectomy ?

    • Max A. We use atherectomy infrequently because of the cost ...

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  • narayana reddy B. Nice case and nice demonstration

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    • marcus P. Very Good!

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      • Max A. 1 I think the procedure is highly justified ,this patient even at 80 needed to walk . We have an experience of DES in this location since 2003 and we are satisfied in selected indications
        2 we do not use atherectomy routinely
        3 thank you for your comments

        • Nazar N. You are great teacher ..God bless you..

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      • Nazar N. Excellent

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