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Case summary

•58 Years old male
•Risk factors : smoker.
•Medical history : none.
•Clinical symptoms : left lower limb intermittent claudication stage 2b
•Biological parameters : serum creatinine 7,5mg.
•On going treatement : aspirin, clopidogrel


•Discussion of access : 6 Fr controlateral or 4F Antegrade femoral

•Intraluminal angioplasty


Diagnostic images





Date du tournage : 13/07/2016
Dernière mise à jour : 21/09/2016
Max Amor
Essey-lès-Nancy, France
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  • marcus P. It's very Good!

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    • Max A. Thank U . Don't hesitate to leave your comments . Have a good day

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      • Ronnie W. how to choose between DES and BMS

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        • Nazar N. Wnderful....

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          Experts challenge experts: When DCB meets DES in the SFA

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          The best choice in SFA procedures depending on multiple factors (Live Session)

          Clinical - Anatomical - Cost efficiency

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