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Left Internal Carotid Artery Occlusion with Progressive Right Internal Carotid Artery Stenosis

This 18 minutes didactic recorded procedure concerns a 68 years male with coronary insufficiency and carotid lesions. He presents an occluded left internal carotid artery associated with a severe ulcerated worsening right internal carotid stenosis.
This complex stenosis was treated by new micromesh carotid stent under carotid protection by filter . Watch this informative procedure on how to treat patients with multiple carotid lesions.

Step-by-Step Procedure

  • Femoral access for carotid angioplasty
  • Common carotid access in tortuous aorta
  • Analysis of carotid lesion by selective angiography
  • Placement of filter as embolic protecting device
  • Pre-dilatation and artery preparation before carotid artery stenting
  • Placement of braided micromesh stent Roadsaver
  • Post Stenting dilatation and analysis of results
  • Filter retrieval and evaluation of carotid circulation  

Learning points

  • How to access from groin the brachio-cephalic trunk in a tortuous aorta
  • The use of two guidewires to access common carotid
  • Placement of filter in a tortuous carotid artery
  • Predilatation and preparation of carotid lesion before stenting
  • Accurate placement of new micromesh carotid stent
  • Cardiac monitoring during carotid stenting



Date du tournage : 28/09/2017
Dernière mise à jour : 11/05/2021
Max Amor
Essey-lès-Nancy, France

Our Cases of the Month

The case of the month is a new way for our users to watch, learn, and share with incathlab. They can watch a video that highlights an innovative case and uses excellent pedagogical techniques, lear...


Workshop on Complex PCI (Clinique Louis Pasteur - Nancy)

We are pleased to announce you that the Guerbet Masterclass which took place on September 2017 at the Clinique Louis Pasteur (Nancy, France) is available online for all participants. Rediscove...

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  • arie B. 'ישא 'שד איק ןמגןבשאןםמ שדטצפאםצשאןב פשאןקמא 'ןאי ךקדד איקמ 50% דאקמםדןד?.

    • Max A. dont understand . Sorry

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  • AWADHESH D. Nice

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  • Zambonialbe A. Very interesting case !

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    • Alexander P. super

      • Max A. Thank you

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    • Chun-Yuan C. Will direct stenting be another choice ?

      • Max A. Sorry for the delay .
        I recommend to predilate for this micromesh Stent to be sure to have an harmonious deployment to easen the crossing . It is particularly important with the CGuard stent

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    • Milan M. Nice example! According to your experience, how do the Micromash Stents behave in highly calcified lesions? Thank You

      • Max A. In very calcified lesions it is indispensable to prepare the lesion by a pre-dilatation in order to be sure that the residual stenosis is not Severe .

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    • Mohammed R. Good

      • Max A. Thank You

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    • Maher J. Perfect job

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      • Maher J. Nice job

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        Sydney : Mercredi 28 avril 2021 de 00h à 01h (GMT+2)
        Wellington : Mercredi 28 avril 2021 de 02h à 03h (GMT+2)

        Preserving Coronary Access After TAVI

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        Lundi 30 novembre -0001 de 00h à 00h (GMT+1)
        Honolulu : Lundi 29 novembre 1999 de 12h à 12h (GMT+1)
        San Francisco : Lundi 29 novembre 1999 de 14h à 14h (GMT+1)
        New York : Lundi 29 novembre 1999 de 17h à 17h (GMT+1)
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        Moscou / Dubaï : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 02h à 02h (GMT+1)
        Bangkok : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 05h à 05h (GMT+1)
        Shanghai : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 06h à 06h (GMT+1)
        Tokyo : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 07h à 07h (GMT+1)
        Sydney : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 08h à 08h (GMT+1)
        Wellington : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 10h à 10h (GMT+1)

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