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19764 vues
Date du tournage : 14/10/2013
Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021
Max Amor
Essey-lès-Nancy, France

EnligHTN™ / St. Jude Medical

Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation System
Participer à la discussion
  • Mangesh T. I am highly impressed with "Reneal Symphathetic denervation" and Thermal ablation of bilateral main renal arteries with 8Wt & 70 degree celcius temperature. My questions are as follows - 1.Is it a "Unipolar or bipolar" denervation electrode basket?? 2.Is renal deneration still alive ? Since SIMPLICITY-II clinical trial results are not promising in reducing dependancy on more Anti-hypertensive drugs and failed to give permenet lowering of Systolic as well as diastolic blood pressures. Is it true?? 3.How far St.jude EnligHtn ablation is safe and more effective as compared to Boston Scientific's "Vessix bipolar" denervation system?? -Dr.Mangesh Tarte, MD,FVIR,MACPh Ahmednagar,India www.antarangcentre.org

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    • Mangesh T. I am highly impressed with "Reneal Symphathetic denervation" and Thermal ablation of bilateral main renal arteries with 8Wt & 70 degree celcius temperature. My questions are as follows - 1.Is it a "Unipolar or bipolar" denervation electrode basket?? 2.Is renal deneration still alive ? Since SIMPLICITY-II clinical trial results are not promising in reducing dependancy on more Anti-hypertensive drugs and failed to give permenet lowering of Systolic as well as diastolic blood pressures. Is it true?? 3.How far St.jude EnligHtn ablation is safe and more effective as compared to Boston Scientific's "Vessix bipolar" denervation system?? -Dr.Mangesh Tarte, MD,FVIR,MACPh Ahmednagar,India www.antarangcentre.org

        Sélectionnez vos fichiers, cliquez sur le bouton envoyer, rédigez votre comentaire puis cliquez sur le bouton envoyer. (formats autorisés : images jpeg, gif, png, and PDF)
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      • Mangesh T. I am highly impressed with "Reneal Symphathetic denervation" and Thermal ablation of bilateral main renal arteries with 8Wt & 70 degree celcius temperature. My questions are as follows - 1.Is it a "Unipolar or bipolar" denervation electrode basket?? 2.Is renal deneration still alive ? Since SIMPLICITY-II clinical trial results are not promising in reducing dependancy on more Anti-hypertensive drugs and failed to give permenet lowering of Systolic as well as diastolic blood pressures. Is it true?? 3.How far St.jude EnligHtn ablation is safe and more effective as compared to Boston Scientific's "Vessix bipolar" denervation system?? -Dr.Mangesh Tarte, MD,FVIR,MACPh Ahmednagar,India www.antarangcentre.org

          Sélectionnez vos fichiers, cliquez sur le bouton envoyer, rédigez votre comentaire puis cliquez sur le bouton envoyer. (formats autorisés : images jpeg, gif, png, and PDF)
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        October 2013
        Honolulu : Lundi 14 octobre 2013 de 06h à 08h (GMT+2)
        San Francisco : Lundi 14 octobre 2013 de 09h à 11h (GMT+2)
        New York : Lundi 14 octobre 2013 de 12h à 14h (GMT+2)
        Buenos Aires : Lundi 14 octobre 2013 de 13h à 15h (GMT+2)
        Reykjavik : Lundi 14 octobre 2013 de 16h à 18h (GMT+2)
        London / Dublin : Lundi 14 octobre 2013 de 17h à 19h (GMT+2)
        Paris / Berlin : Lundi 14 octobre 2013 de 18h à 20h (GMT+2)
        Istanbul : Lundi 14 octobre 2013 de 19h à 21h (GMT+2)
        Moscou / Dubaï : Lundi 14 octobre 2013 de 20h à 22h (GMT+2)
        Bangkok : Lundi 14 octobre 2013 de 23h à 01h (GMT+2)
        Shanghai : Mardi 15 octobre 2013 de 00h à 02h (GMT+2)
        Tokyo : Mardi 15 octobre 2013 de 01h à 03h (GMT+2)
        Sydney : Mardi 15 octobre 2013 de 03h à 05h (GMT+2)
        Wellington : Mardi 15 octobre 2013 de 05h à 07h (GMT+2)

        Management of Resistant Hypertension patients and Multi-Electrode Renal Denervation procedure

        Live session from ICPS, Massy, France

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