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CASE 01:  TAVI  Procedure in patient patient with Low Surgical Risk -Dr.N van Mieghem

This procedure concerns 82 years old female , Presenting progressive Heart failure and severe Aortic stenosis.

Strategy Plan

Imaging studies

  • Echo: LVEF:68%, Severe lt AS : AVA:0.6cm² , MG:33mmhg,
  • Coronary angiography: No obstructive CAD
  • Cardiac CT: AV:Area :433mm², Primeter:74mm, Area derived:23.5mm

Clinical indication

  • Severe  aortic stenosis with degenerated mitral bioprosthesis ( STS Score:3,9%).
  • Patient decision for TAVI.

Planned Procedure

  • Transfemoral TAVI with BSC ACURATE
  • MANTA closure device.

CASE 02:  Complex LAD CTO Procedure  -Dr.Roberto DILETTI - Dr.Jeroen WILSCHUT 

This procedure concerns 60 years old male , with history of CAD (RCA PCI, LAD CTO), Still symptomatic despite OMT.
First attempt to LAD CTO recanalization has failed, today, a second attempts will be performed.

Strategy Plan

Imaging studies

  • Echo: LVEF:55%, No wall motion abnormalities.
  • Coronary angiography: No obstructive CAD
  • SPECT:antero-apical and anteroseptal ischemia .

Clinical indication

  • Stable angina .
  • Proven ischemia

Planned Procedure

  • LAD CTO PCI with retrograde approach.
Date du tournage : 23/02/2018
Dernière mise à jour : 27/03/2020
Roberto Diletti
Rotterdam, Pays-Bas
Jeroen Wilschut
Rotterdam, Pays-Bas


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