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Description of lesion

  • Right proximal occlusion
  • Entry point: no stump
  • Retry
  • JCTO score 2

Description of procedure

  • Use of a Progress 140 gw
  • Parallel wire technique with Fielder XT
  • Switch for retrograde approach
  • Use of CORSAIR and then SION 
  • Surfing septal technique
  • Switch for a 6FR JR4 guiding catheter
  • Trapping of the Progress guidewire
  • Predilatation with 2x30mm balloons
  • Placement of 2 stents at the proximal and mid RCA level

Learning points

  • Retrograde approach
  • Decision of retrograde approach or dissection re-entry?
Date du tournage : 29/04/2014
Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021
Max Amor
Essey-lès-Nancy, France
Alexandre Avran
Valenciennes, France

Incathlab CTO course

Your CTO Tutors will suggest you a table of video contents following an educational program from beginner to advanced level, completed by a didactic part with relevant lectures. For a tailored tr...

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