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This case describes the treatment of a CTO to LAD. 


  • Procedure time: 75 min
  • Exposure time: 25 min
  • Exposure: 802,20 mGy
  • Contrast volume: 110 ml visipaque 350

Objectives: to learn

- how to use ultra thin struts stent

- how to antegradely approach a CTO lesion

- how to use a trapper

-IVUS use in CTO

Date du tournage : 10/04/2019
Dernière mise à jour : 04/03/2020
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  • yilmaz M. congratulations. the flow of LAD is quite good but there is serious stenosis at the ostium of the Diagonal branch. It is an important branch. therefore it is not appropriate to leave the patient in this way in terms of complete revascularization of the patient. I would open the side branch.

    • Hassaan A. I think there is data that supports that if there is TIMI 3 flow in the Diagonal branch its best to leave it alone

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  • Tekten T.

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