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Crédit vidéo – Christian Vuolo – Synaps

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The well-known team of Cardiovasculaire Paris Sud Institute will present during this first 2 hours live course their technics, tips and tricks .

This session will emphasize both advanced and standard technics of coronary arteries recanalization.

How to recanalize complex coronary Chronic Total Occlusion ?

17h00 - 17h05 Web-Symposium introduction
17h05 - 17h45 CTO Anterograde Approach from A to Z
17h45 - 18h30 CTO Recorded Cases
18h30 - 19h00 Final Discussion & Debating Workshop
Answer to internet questions & Chat

CTO Live Case and Pre-Recorded Cases

Case 1: Mid LAD CTO lesion
62 years-old male
Risk factors: No risk factor
Clinical presentation: Stable Angina (CCS class II)
Biological data: Creatinine 97 μmol/L (Clearance 103 mL/min)

images cas 1


Case 2: Mid RCA CTO lesion
59 years-old male
Risk factors: Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, Familial history
Clinical presentation: Stable Angina (CCS class II)
Biological data: Creatinine clearance 77 mL/min

image cas 2


Case 3: Mid RCA CTO lesion
59 years-old male
Risk factors: Hyperlipidemia, ex-smoker
Clinical presentation: Stable Angina (CCS class II)
Past clinical history: CBAG SV-LAD in 1984 
Biological data: Creatinine clearance xxx mL/min

img cas 3

Learning Objectives

After the completion of this first CTO live course and the vision of the associated registered live cases

You will be able:
• To discuss the recent indications of CTO recanalization.
• To know the results of recent trials
• When and Why to open a CTO
• How to select Guiding Catheters, Guidewires, Balloons and other devices
• Antegrade vs Retrograde Approach
• Imaging to improve acute outcomes
• Stent selection
• Management of main complications
• Pharmacotherapy and medical management
• Modality for Follow-up


Target audience

Interventional cardiologists seeking to acquire or improve or learn more about technics and indications of CTO recanalization.

Crossroads Abbott Vascular Education Network

Date du tournage : 24/11/2011
Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021
1 comment
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  • Naga ganesh K. K

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