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This didactic procedure concerns a 67 years old male with history of aortic valve infective endocarditis, presenting actually severe symptomatic aortic regurgitation with thoracic aortic aneuvrysm and three vessels coronary artery disease including two bifurcations lesions (LAD-Diag,Lcx-OM)

Since the patient is scheduled for Aortic surgery, All coronary lesions were treated in the same session using dedicated bifurcation stents Bioss Lim C with good final result .


  • Contrast volume: 330 ml  Omnipaque (350mg)
  • Procedure time: 70 min
  • Exposure time: 21 mm
  • Exposure: 18215,6 mGy

Learning points

  • How to approach patients with multivessels coronary artery disease.
  • Planning and  approach complex bifurcation lesions.
  • Concept of bifurcation dedicated stents.
  • Two stents bifurcation PCI with dedicated stent (1.1.1) lesion (T stenting).
  • Provisional bifurcation  PCI with single dedicated stent (1.1.0) lesion.
  • Multivessels coronary  PCI (three lesions with 5 DES implentation) during the same session in selected patients.

Step-by-Step Procedure

  • Right Arterial Femoral access 7F, EBU 7F guiding catheter.
  • Wiring both LAD and 1st diagonal branch with Sion blue and Runthrough coronary PCI  wires.
  • Predilatation and stenting of the mid-LAD with Ultimaster 2.5x28mm DES.
  • Predilatation of the 1st diagonal with 2.5x20mm balloon.
  • Simultaneous positioning of LAD bifurcation stent (Bioss LimC: 3x3.75x16mm) and an Ultimaster 2.5x28mm stent in the 1st diagonal branch .
  • Sequential stent deployment in the 1st diagonal, then in the proximal LAD. 
  • Optimization with POT-Kissing-rePOT sequence in the proximal LAD bifurcation.
  • Wiring the Lcx and the OM branch.
  • Direct stenting of the LCx to the OM branch with Bioss LIM C stent 2.75x3.25x24mm.
  • POT technique for the LCx stent.
  • JR4.0 6F guiding catheter in the RCA.
  • Direct stenting with 3.5x33mm Ultimaster  Terumo  
  • Access point closure with Perclose Device.



Date du tournage : 17/04/2018
Dernière mise à jour : 11/05/2021
Alexandre Avran
Valenciennes, France
Robert Gil
Warsaw, Pologne
Nicolas Lhoest
Strasbourg, France
Pierre Meyer
St. Laurent-du-Var, France

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  • michele E. No

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    • Alexander P. The best

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      • Ulises L. Great result. Just 1 question, any reason not to perform it through radial approach using a slender sheath?

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        • venkatesa reddy D. very well done

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          • venkatesa reddy D. excellent results , perfect stent positioning at diagonal

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