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Clinical Data

  • Male, 48 years old man
  • Cardiovacular Risk factors: Family History coronary artery Disease
  • Past medical history: Coronary  Artery Disease (myocardial infarction 2001; coronary angiography revealed 3 vessels diseased. PCI proximal LCX only)
  • Clinical presentation: chest pain and dyspnea
  • Stress echocardiography revealed antero-septal, postero apical and antero lateral myocardial ischemia. Normal LV function.
  • New catheterization showed  severe 3 VD .  Mid RCA CTO, Mid LAD CTO,  Proximal LCX with 90 % stenosis 
  • Clearance: 102 mL/min
  • Medications: Pravastatine, Kardegic, Clopidogrel, Atenolol, Ezetimibe
Date du tournage : 16/10/2017
Dernière mise à jour : 31/10/2017
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  • Umar S. thank you for this interesting case

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    • R A. nicely done case.

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      • Teuku R. Good job well done!

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        • Tekten T. ok

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          UNCAGE coronaries - Episode 3 : UNCAGE chronic total occlusions

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          Coronary sinus reducer

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          Chronic occlusions, what else? Discover New Tools in coronary and peripheral diseases

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