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Clinical Data
  • Patient: Male, 78 years old
  • Known CAD with inferior STEMI 2000 (lysis)
  • PCI of CX march 2000 (BMS)
  • PCI of LAD may 2000 (BMS)
  • LVEF 40%, inferior and lateral akinesia
  • CVRF: hypertension, dyslipidemia
  • Progressive Dyspnea NYHA III
  • CAG 9.8.17: very calcified vessels, proximal LAD in stent <30%, mid LAD 50%, CX with good result in-stent, RCA with several severe stenosis
  • Echo: LVEF 40%, Afib; inferior and lateral akinesia, moderate to severe MR
  • Renal function: eGFR = 62 ml/min/1.73m2
  • Hemodynamics: no pulmonary hypertension, mPAP = 24 mmHg, PCWP = 10 mmHg
Date du tournage : 12/09/2017
Dernière mise à jour : 31/10/2017
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  • Henry K. Thank you for showing this fastastic and successful case, I was wondering about if there is a lot of evidence supporting avoiding stenting the whole mid RCA by using DEB especially when there is not much marginal branches to worry about.

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    • Ahmed S. excellent results for this heavily diseased and calcified artery

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