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Date du tournage : 30/06/2017
Dernière mise à jour : 18/07/2017
Alexandre Avran
Valenciennes, France

ML CTO 2017 : Speakers' interviews

  Thursday, June 29th, 2017   Session 1: CTO PCI BASICS  Christopher Buller, MD: "Why should we treat CTOs: impact on ischemia and...

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  • Nicolaus R. Nice presentation. I only would suggest to promote proper antegrade technique like parralel wire before advocating dissection reentry or retrograde. The procedural times dye consumtion and complications are in favor of chasing antegrade before changing strategy.

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    Interview: Christopher Buller, MD

    Why should we treat CTOs impact on ischemia and LV function


    Interview: Colm Hanratty, MD

    Difficult ADR situations: how to handle?


    Interview: Kambis Mashayekhi, MD

    Retrograde approach: through epicardial collateral channels


    Interview: Elliot Smith, MD

    Dissection technique using knucked wires: use and indication

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