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Operators: Kambis Mashayekhi, MD - Alexandre Bufe, MD
IVUS commentator: Stéphane Carlier, MD

Clinical Data

  • 71 yo male
  • Risk factors: hypertension, ex smoker
  • History: COPD
  • Stable angina on exertion CCS2
  • EF 70%
  • Stress perfusion: inferolateral ischemia (Lcx territory)
  • Angiogram: 
    • Severe disease to LAD – CTO to LCx – mild to moderate RCA
    • PCI to LAD (1DES 3.5x34mm) – FFR to RCA 0.89
    • Lcx: AWE attempt at the end of the procedure

Imaging protocol OptiRAY® 350

  • Total volume injected: 250 mL
  • Total radiation exposure : 1.2 Gy
  • Exposure time: 34 minutes
  • 7.5 images / sec

Date du tournage : 30/06/2017
Dernière mise à jour : 26/07/2017


ML CTO 2017: Live Cases Through this playlist you could watch the live cases that have been performed during the 2nd Edition of the Multi-Level CTO Course as well as the angiograms, t...

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  • Ademaj F. Kambis is a great Operator :)

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