-55-year-old male
-Hypertension, dyslipidemia
-Oct 2015: NSTEMI: long lesion in the context of myocardial bridging on mid LAD; FFR 0.75 à PCI on middle LAD with Biomatrix 3.5x11 mm, Stentys Xposition S 3.0-3.5x27 and 2.5-3.0x22 mm; postdilatation 3.0 NC 20 atm
-Dec 2016: In-stent occlusion (Stentys); unsuccessful PCI
-Possible Stentys fracture in mid LAD; ipsilateral epicardial collateral from CX
-SYNTAX score: 13.5
-J-CTO score: 2 (long occlusion; redo procedure)
-Femoral 7F; XB 3.5 catheter, long sheath
-Antegrade true-to-true
-Corsair + Fielder FC
-Scoring balloon; NC balloon
-Post dilatation with NC balloon