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Your CTO Tutors will suggest you a table of video contents following an educational program from beginner to advanced level, completed by a didactic part with relevant lectures.
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Kare T.Should you be more careful with antegrade injection due to risk of hydronic dissection?
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Olaf R.why did he not change again to fielder XT again after penetrating the proximal cap with a stiffer wire?
Ayman T.i think Sion blue was used to deeply engage LCX
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Daniel W.Treating CTOs in the hybrid algorithm we use mostly as a step up approach Fielder XT, then Pilot 200, GLADIUS or GAIA family, then Conquest Pro 12 or Hornet 14. Mostly depending on the anatomic presentation of the CTO.
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Daniel W.Thank you all for the comments and the support
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Dirk P.Excellent result !
Learning point for me was the dilatation of the proximal cap with low profile balloon to facilitate the micro catheter. many thanks , Dirk P
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Khalid A.great results .. I would've saved some time using a guide extension to help with the Cx angulation . but nicely done .
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Honolulu : Lundi 29 novembre 1999 de 13h à 13h (GMT+1) San Francisco : Lundi 29 novembre 1999 de 15h à 15h (GMT+1) New York : Lundi 29 novembre 1999 de 18h à 18h (GMT+1) Buenos Aires : Lundi 29 novembre 1999 de 20h à 20h (GMT+1) London / Dublin : Lundi 29 novembre 1999 de 23h à 23h (GMT+1) Paris / Berlin : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 00h à 00h (GMT+1) Istanbul : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 01h à 01h (GMT+1) Moscou / Dubaï : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 03h à 03h (GMT+1) Bangkok : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 06h à 06h (GMT+1) Shanghai : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 07h à 07h (GMT+1) Tokyo : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 08h à 08h (GMT+1) Sydney : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 09h à 09h (GMT+1) Wellington : Mardi 30 novembre 1999 de 11h à 11h (GMT+1)
Kare T. Should you be more careful with antegrade injection due to risk of hydronic dissection?
Olaf R. why did he not change again to fielder XT again after penetrating the proximal cap with a stiffer wire?
Ayman T. i think Sion blue was used to deeply engage LCX
Ayman T. very useful
Umar S. Well done great job
Stefan H. Congratulations, nice procedure!
Raisakis K. Nice
Zambonialbe A. Well done!
Aquilina M. Which kind of wire do you use?
Daniel W. Treating CTOs in the hybrid algorithm we use mostly as a step up approach Fielder XT, then Pilot 200, GLADIUS or GAIA family, then Conquest Pro 12 or Hornet 14. Mostly depending on the anatomic presentation of the CTO.
Daniel W. Thank you all for the comments and the support
evi supriadi S. good case, well done
Mohamed M. Good
Sarteep Ezzat Q. Thanks
Mohamed M. Good
Dirk P. Excellent result !
Learning point for me was the dilatation of the proximal cap with low profile balloon to facilitate the micro catheter. many thanks , Dirk P
Khalid A. great results .. I would've saved some time using a guide extension to help with the Cx angulation . but nicely done .
Hernan V. Exelent
hashemi fard O. Excellent
Usman K. Good case
dow R.
dow R. good
Dorin D. great job!