Case summary
•73 year old male patient
•PMHx: DM type II, recurrent PEs
•Unstable angina
•EF 20%, Pulmonary HTN (60 mmHg)
•Moderate LMS, severe diffuse LAD disease, subtotal occlusion distal LCx bifurcation,RAC moderate disease
•MRI: LCx territory viable; LAD territory largely non-viable
•Meds: Rivaroxaban stopped 24 u before procedure
–Aspirin + clopidogrel
–VerifyNow test
•Femoral access 7 Fr
•PCI of (sub) total occluded Lcx
•IVUS evaluation of LMS and ostial LCx disease +/- complex bifurcation PCI
Date du tournage : 08/07/2016
Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021
wenliang X. Wonderful
Muhammad R. Good