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Treatment of multiple lesions along the LAD coronary artery.

Clinical backrgound

78 year old patient with a silent ischemia on the anterior wall, multiple lesions on the LAD.


  • Radial approach
  • Treatment of distal LAD lesion (the most severe) by polymer free stent
  • Assessment of severity of proximal LAD lesion (FFR evaluation)
  • Proximal LAD stenting by a second polymer free stent

Learning objectives

  • Assessment of multiple lesions along a coronary artery using FFR
  • Polymer free stent use in routine
Date du tournage : 22/03/2016
Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021
Michaël Angioi
Essey-Lès-Nancy, France
Christophe Piot
Montpellier, France

Coroflex® ISAR / B. Braun

Sirolimus eluting polymer-free coronary stent system
Participer à la discussion
  • Ali A. why you prefer sequential stenting than 2 overlap stent because small distance between 2 stents

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        LAD-Diagonal Bifurcation lesion

        New Drug-Eluting Technologies

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