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LAD stenting - Polymer free ISAR stent
Recorded Case from Louis Pasteur Clinic. Nancy, France
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Treatment of a proximal and medial tandem LAD lesions by single stenting.
Clinical background
86 year old patient with a prior stent placement in the distal LAD.
Angina pectoris the last two weeks and his coronary angiography revealed three vessels disease, with two lesions on the proximal (septal branch) and the mid LAD (just after the left main).
The patient also has a renal impairment and a lesion of the marginal bunch in the RCA.
Radial approach
Discussion of the strategy
Pre-dilatation stenting of tandem lesions
Placement of UltiMaster stent
Learning objectives
Treatment of a tandem lesion by single stenting
Date du tournage : 22/03/2016 Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021
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Saif A. Wonderful teaching presentation