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Left main coronary angioplasty before TAVI.

Educational objectives 

  • Discuss the role of PCI before TAVI.
  • Discuss the role of OCT on left main stenting.
  • Describe the results after polymer-free stenting.

Clinical background

76 year old patient diagnosed with a severe aortic stenosis.

The coronary angiography reveals a severe left main trunk stenosis on its distal part and an intermediate stenosis of the proximal part of the left anterior descending artery.


  • Radial approach
  • Double gw (LAD, LCX)
  • OCT evaluation of left main stenosis
  • LAD proximal stenting
  • Left main stenting (4x15)
  • Post stenting dilatation (4.5 mm non-compliant balloon)
  • Post stenting evaluation by OCT

Learning points

  • Left main stenting through radial approach
  • Double guidewire technique
  • Optimization of left main stenting by OCT & vascular stent boost.
Date du tournage : 22/03/2016
Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021
Max Amor
Essey-lès-Nancy, France
Michaël Angioi
Essey-Lès-Nancy, France

Coroflex® ISAR / B. Braun

Sirolimus eluting polymer-free coronary stent system
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  • congnam P. Thanks so much. It is very simple technique, so safe and significant

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    • venkatesa reddy D. very good demonstration

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      • Saif A. Fantastic and clear teaching points
        Thank you

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