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In an era where we observe the appearance of fourth-generation coronary stents (BMS, DES with permanent polymer, DES with biodegradable polymer, DES without polymer), it is essential to discuss the role of these new stents, and especially their use in clinical practice. During this course, we will highlight the role of drug eluting balloon in small diseased coronary arteries.


  • Live case
  • Polymer free stenting concept - Lecture by Michael Angioi M.D
  • Trial results review about DES - Lecture by Michel Pansieri M.D
  • Live case conclusion - Analysis of the strategy and techniques used
  • DEB & DES characteristics and concept - Lecture by Peter Guenther
  • Trial results review about DEB - Lecture by Christophe Piot M.D
  • Final discussion and conclusion

Educational objectives

  • Improve coronary angioplasty knowledge (techniques and approach strategies)
  • Discuss the choice of a material with or without polymer (Drug eluting stent and balloon)
  • How to assess DES results on patients
  • Compare techniques and approach strategies of different experts


This web symposium is dedicated to interventional cardiologists interested and/or specialized in coronary angioplasty.
A prerequisite for attendees is an initial knowledge and practice of angioplasty.

Developpement Professionnel Continu (DPC)

Si vous souhaitez valider une session DPC sur cet e-learning, contactez directement Mme Anaïs Gruette (coordonnées ci-dessous)

Organisme de DPC enregistré sous le n° 5249 et évalué favorablement par l'OGDPC.

Anaïs Gruette

Ligne directe : 04 69 66 37 95
Email : anais@vfl-formation.com


Date du tournage : 23/03/2016
Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021
Max Amor
Essey-lès-Nancy, France
Michaël Angioi
Essey-Lès-Nancy, France
Christophe Piot
Montpellier, France

Coroflex® ISAR / B. Braun

Sirolimus eluting polymer-free coronary stent system

SeQuent® Please NEO / B. Braun

Next generation coronary Drug Coated Balloon to treat vascular stenosis

SeQuent® Neo / B. Braun

Latest generation rapid exchange PTCA balloon catheter
1 comment
Participer à la discussion
  • Muhammad Bilal K. Polymer free Angioplasty is best solution indeed

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