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Inscription Connexion

The Afib Symposium held in Paris is an educational event sponsored by Biosense Webster, a division of Johnson & Johnson Medical NV/SA. This link provides access to sessions presented during this educational event. The broadcasting and presentations on the following pages are only intended for Biosense Webster’s employees and HealthCare Professionals in Europe. It is only available in English language. By accessing to the present webpage you are confirming that you are a healthcare professional in Europe-Middle East and Africa where English is accepted.
The material contained in this session reflects the techniques, drug dosage, approaches and opinions of the individual presenter(s). This Biosense Webster, a division of Johnson & Johnson Medical NV/SA sponsored presentation may include demonstration of the use of medical devices; it is not intended to be used as a medical training guide. The steps demonstrated may not be the complete steps of the procedure. Before using any medical device, including those demonstrated or referenced in this presentation, review all relevant package inserts, with particular attention to the indications, contraindications, warnings and precautions, and steps for use of the device.
Always verify catheter tip location using fluoroscopy or IC signals and consult the CARTO® System User Guide regarding recommendations for fluoroscopy use. Catheter advancement should be done under fluoroscopic guidance. Do not use excessive force to advance or withdraw the catheter when resistance is encountered. Careful catheter manipulation must be performed in order to avoid cardiac damage, perforation, or tamponade.
RF parameters you may find in this session provide conceptual information that does not intent to reflect parameters used in clinical practice (such as Power, impedance, temperature, contact force). Refer to relevant user manual and to clinical practice for recommended parameters.

The third party trademarks used herein are trademarks of their respective owners.
All content of this presentation is owned by their authors and is protected by worldwide copyright laws.

Date du tournage : 18/03/2015
Dernière mise à jour : 24/06/2021

AFIB Symposium 2015 - Practical Sessions

“The Afib Symposium held in Paris is an educational event sponsored by Biosense Webster, a division of Johnson & Johnson Medical NV/SA. This link provid...



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