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anwar D.Results with Sirolimus coated Drug balloons ??
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Daniel W.Excellent question! The DCB technology with Sirolimus is emerging and many companies are active in this field, as BBRAUN, Mynvasis, Concept Medical, Orchestra Biomed. The data are scarce and conclusions preliminary. Seems to have the potential to be equal. Preliminarny clinical data are positive mainly for ISR, less for small vessels. SBut I think can be the choice of the future. As it is difficult to create a DCB with the hydrophilic Sirolimus, there can be differences between the sirolimus DCBs, as senn with the Pclitaxel DCBs. Hope that helps.
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anwar D. Results with Sirolimus coated Drug balloons ??
Daniel W. Excellent question! The DCB technology with Sirolimus is emerging and many companies are active in this field, as BBRAUN, Mynvasis, Concept Medical, Orchestra Biomed. The data are scarce and conclusions preliminary. Seems to have the potential to be equal. Preliminarny clinical data are positive mainly for ISR, less for small vessels. SBut I think can be the choice of the future. As it is difficult to create a DCB with the hydrophilic Sirolimus, there can be differences between the sirolimus DCBs, as senn with the Pclitaxel DCBs. Hope that helps.