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  • venkatesa reddy D. very good result

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    • Mangesh T. My few questions about about Long Calcified SFA Recanalisation-

      1.What was the prime aim of this Interventions to treat Proximal SFA Occlusion with Directional Atherectomy or Short segment occluded SFA?

      2.Is Pre-dilatation with Coronary balloons (1.5-3.5mm) always necessary before Debulking of Femoro-Popliteal lesion with Atherectomy device?

      3.Exact role of Chocolate Cutting balloon could not be understud? Why so many wires & balloons are used instead of doing Straightforward Hawkone Atherectomy and then Drug coated balloon plasty with In.pact Admiral?

      4.Is their any loss of Paclitexel drug while doing Balloon Plasty multiple times?

      5. After 'Inline flow' Recanalisation Why not below the knee Popliteo-tibial revascularisation Not attempted in same seating?

      6.Does ABI Improved after long SFA Recanalisation & return of triphasic waveform in tibial arteries?

      I feel Distal Embolisation protection device has No role in this Atherectomy + DEB Case!

      So many hardware material uses is Luxury for IR Consultant!!

      Do you agree with my comments?

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      • Mangesh T. Great case done. Amazing results!!

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        • Alexandre P. Interesting, than you

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          • K R. What about doing plasty of the graft lesion without atherectomy in this case.
            Because doing atherectomy of graft disease carries risk of rupture . What is your suggestion

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            • Antoine T. Just learning

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              • Antoine T. Symptoms

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                • Shay B. To your

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                  • Mario G. How do you close distal puncture site?

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                    • Irakli D. good job

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                      • shafik H. nice discution

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                        • shafik H. Nice Discussion

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                          • shafik H. when do you use laser atherectomy

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