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  • Boghos S. very good job congratulations

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    • Khaleel M. Nice

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      • Lorenzo A. Hi guys. Do you usually perform IVUS after Rotablator, to assess for the need for additional plaque modification, or on the contrary to decide if a DEB is enough?

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        • Obiora A. excellent

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          • venkatesa reddy D. lots of teachings in case helped to clear doubts

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            • R A. dear sir...
              how do you manage highly eccentric stenosis especially wiring technique?
              small curved tip.?

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              • Daniel W. Great question! Well this can be very challenging. Basically the shape depends on the anaytomy. I personally do not use preshaped wires and shape my wire in relation to the anatomy. The type of wire can play a role too. Sometimes you choose also tapered polymeric wires.

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                • Henry K. Thank you for showing this fastastic and successful case, I was wondering about if there is a lot of evidence supporting avoiding stenting the whole mid RCA by using DEB especially when there is not much marginal branches to worry about.

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                  • Ahmed S. excellent results for this heavily diseased and calcified artery

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