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Nans S.

Vidéo : Multi instrumental complex instent right coronary occlusion : Laser angioplasty Polymer free stent, drug eluting balloon


Vidéo : Multi instrumental complex instent right coronary occlusion : Laser angioplasty Polymer free stent, drug eluting balloon

Comments : Vidéo : Multi instrumental complex instent right coronary occlusion : Laser angioplasty Polymer free stent, drug eluting balloon

  • Ghulam Rasool M. Excellent case done very nicely

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    • Basel S. Why you didnt do final POT?

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      • venkatesa reddy D. very nice results

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        • Muhammad Bilal K. Polymer free Angioplasty is best solution indeed

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          Voir les commentaires précédents (4)
          • Amir Aziz A. It's a small diagonal at mid LAD. Any rational to protect less than 2mm diagonal branch?

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            • Felix V. i get always Problems with Audio while watching incathlabLeave a new comment to the discussion

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              • Michel P. hello Amir,
                If you talk about the live case, we could see it was a big diagonal branch , narrowed at its origin,

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                • Michel P. At least 2.5 mm. So you have to protect it and to treat it.

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                  • ersan T. Can we choose mini crush stenting as a first ?

                    • Michel P. Yes, you can but we tried in this live case to do a single stent strategy T provisional . For a two stent strategy, we prefer TAP technique

                    • Laurent D. I total agree with michel. in this case with a very short ostial lesion the provisional stenting technique is the best strategy.
                      in the case of a two stents strategy the choice between crush, mini crush, T, culotte depend on the difference of diameter between main and side branch and of the angle of the bifurcation

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                  • Plamen K. Very very interesting cases

                    • Michel P. Thank tou very much !

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                  • Umar S. Really interesting one

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                    • bassem J. good but still stenosis on ostial dg

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                      • Mohamed M. Why scori g ballon and not rota

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                        • Mohamed M. Does the left main stent withdraw with the second one and retrieved with the snair leaving the left main with no injury unbelievable

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                          • Ali A. why you prefer sequential stenting than 2 overlap stent because small distance between 2 stents

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                            • SONI A. GET JOB

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                              • Mohamed A. Perfect

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                                • congnam P. Thanks so much. It is very simple technique, so safe and significant

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                                  • venkatesa reddy D. very good demonstration

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                                    • Saif A. Fantastic and clear teaching points
                                      Thank you

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                                    • Saif A. Wonderful teaching presentation

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                                      • Alexander P. RPL? No treatment?

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                                        • Marwan M. Great job,, thanks

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                                        • Rakhmanov S. Thanks for your case

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                                          • narayana reddy B. Nice case done nicely

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