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  • bander A. nice case

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    Voir les commentaires précédents (2)
    • gerson U. Great work! What make is your angio machine and table? What is the failure rate of the pre-closure device?

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      • Paulo P. Dears Drs. Giovanni Torsello and Arne Schwindt, Congratulations for the excellent presentiation ! Regards, Paulo Ocke Reis (Brazil,RJ)

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        • Patricio N. Can you expect a tipe 1 endoleak in this case?

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          • Arne S. Dear Gerson Uanivi, we worked in a Siemens Hybrid OR with a AXIUM ARTIS Machine, The Preclose thechnique has a learning curve, in our experience the success rate of sugeons with 20+ cases is 95%. All the best Arne Schwindt

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            • Arne S. Dear Patricio Navarro, both patients received a post OR CT, Patient one has a type II EL via the IMA, Patient two has a verry small type II EL via lumbar L5, no type IA or B EL were detected. I wish you a happy 2017 Arne Schwindt

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              • Elias K. good evening, i was a few days late watching the video.
                For up to 18F puncture sites, would you use one prostar or two perclose devices and why?

                • Arne S. Dear Dr. K.,
                  in our setting we use one Prostar device for all large access procedures (EVAR, TEVAR, FEVAR...). The reason is that using one device instead of two is a bit less time consuming. However using two Proglides instead seems to be an alternative. There is one publication showing superiority of Proglide versus Prostar ( if I recall right recently in Eurointervention) for TAVI but you could argue that for cardiologists Priglide is more comfortable because the slipknot is inherited whilst for Prostar it has to be fascilitated by the user. For my taste both strategies are good as long as you got a good training on the device.
                  All the best
                  Arne Schwindt

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