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Video : Demystifying the Rotablator Procedure
Video : Demystifying the Rotablator Procedure
Comments : Video : Demystifying the Rotablator Procedure
Video : Complex PCI in MVD (Rotablator)
Video : Complex PCI in MVD (Rotablator)
Comments : Video : Complex PCI in MVD (Rotablator)
Boghos S. very good job congratulations
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Khaleel M. Nice
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Video : Case-in-box n°4 : Angioplastie CD avec rotablator sur multiples calcifications focales
Video : Case-in-box n°4 : Angioplastie CD avec rotablator sur multiples calcifications focales
Comments : Video : Case-in-box n°4 : Angioplastie CD avec rotablator sur multiples calcifications focales
venkatesa reddy D. very good result and well done
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Vidéo : Coronary Atherectomy by Rotablator for Left Anterior Descending Artery Long Calcific Lesion
Vidéo : Coronary Atherectomy by Rotablator for Left Anterior Descending Artery Long Calcific Lesion
Comments : Vidéo : Coronary Atherectomy by Rotablator for Left Anterior Descending Artery Long Calcific Lesion
Ahmed A. Atherectomy
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McDonald J. do you ever do the \"redwood\" single operator advancer technique or do you always do the burr advancement with 2 operators
Khalid A. Would you use Rotablator for long CTO given the higher risk of dissection ?
Khalid A. Would you use Rotablator for long CTO given the higher risk of dissection ?
Alison W. Can this be used to unblock a thrombosed iliac vein?
Ali A. Excellent case and demonstration. Thanks
Peter M. Excellent demonstration!!
sayyed shahrokh T. nice job
Antoun Y. thank you for the excellent case
Santos M. Going to a Rotablator course tomorrow and I used your video to prepare. Great demonstration on a terrible case upfront! Thank you.
Roberto R. Impressive case! Well done, excellent result. Congratulations to whole team.
Eugen C. Good demonstrations
Dr. S. V. Excellent demo
RAMESH N. excellent demo
Walter F. Great discussion!
Sanjay S. Nice demonstration