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Ablative therapies have been increasingly utilized in the treatment of soft tissue tumors. Irreversible electroporation (IRE) is an energy delivery system, effective in ablating tumors by inducing irreversible membrane destruction of cells.
Over the last few years the technology has been adopted by different medical disciplines via percutaneous or surgical approach with promising clinical outcomes.

In this live webinar you will learn interventional strategies to deal with these patients.

Program (GMT +1)

17:00 Welcome and an introduction to how IRE works - Dr. Anders Nilsson, Interventional Radiologist (Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala) - Chairman
17:05 Lecture by Dr. Martijn Meijerink, Interventional Radiologist (VUmc, Amsterdam) - "Percutaneous CT-guided irreversible electroporation (IRE) for locally advanced pancreatic cancer"
17:25 Lecture by Dr. Paul Ross, Medical Oncologist (King’s College, London) - "Management of locally advanced pancreatic cancer"
17:45 Lecture by Mr Krish Menon, Surgeon (King’s College, London) - "Clinical value of NanoKnife in pancreatic head cancer from a Surgeon's persepctive" - study results in collaboration with Dr. Praveen Peddu, Radiologist (King’s College, London)
18:05 Lecture by Dr. Anders Nilsson, Interventional Radiologist (Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala) - "Needle placement under ultrasound guidance; how to make it work"
18:25 Global discussion / Q&A session
18:30 Take home messages and conclusion

Educational objectives

Provide clinicians with updated information on the use of Irreversible Elelctroporation in the treatment of stage III locally advanced pancreatic cancer.  This includes the experience of different medical disciplines such as Interventional Radiologists, Surgeons and Medical Oncologist as well as a review of published clinical data.


Any international healthcare professional that is part of a pancreatic cancer patient’s care pathway and/or interested in the treatment of stage III locally advanced pancreatic cancer with Irreversible Electroporation.


Date du tournage : 10/11/2016
Dernière mise à jour : 07/03/2018
Martijn Meijerink
Amsterdam, Pays-Bas
Krish Menon
London, Royaume Uni
Paul Ross
London, Royaume Uni
Praveen Peddu
London, Royaume Uni
Participer à la discussion
  • adnan A. are these IRE pancreas ablations In-situ ablations or for margin enhancement being done at the same time as surgical resection. thx A

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    • Villar J. Question from Dr. Mata (Spain). How many studies are currently on going in resectable pancreatic cancer?

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      • Javad E. It was good. For me the most important aspect was coverage of topic from different points of view . I lost the online webinar for the sake of job matteres but hopefully watched its record finally. Thanks a lot .

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