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18:00 - 18:45
 Session 1                                                                                                                       
  • Patient selection. Prof. Blessing
  • CTO how to cross. Prof. Blessing
  • Subintimal technique retrograde approach and safari, Prof. Blessing
  • CTO crossing trouble shooting,  Dr. Diamantopoulos
  • Re-entry devices tips and tricks and clinical results, Dr. Diamantopoulos
  • Q&A
18:45 - 19:30  Session 2
  • Recorded cases & cases based approach
    Prof. Blessing & Dr. Diamantopoulos
  • Advanced techniques in CTO re-entry devices
    Prof. Blessing & Dr. Diamantopoulos
  • Tips and tricks
    Prof. Blessing & Dr. Diamantopoulos
  • Q&A

For Healthcare Professionals Only. CORDIS Effect LOGO is a trademarks of Cardinal Health and may be registered in the US and/or in other countries.
© 2020 Cardinal Health. All Rights Reserved. EU 100561599  06/2020


Date du tournage : 24/06/2020
Dernière mise à jour : 25/06/2020
Erwin Blessing
Clinical Lead for Angiology, Clinical Director internal medicine, Karlsbad, Allemagne
1 comment
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  • khalid S. Please how to make the wire in a looped shape, do you make it looped before getting to subintimal space or after, shall you enter the subintmal with catether first or with wire first

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