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Vendredi 4 avril 2025
13h à 15h (GMT+2)

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About the Program

The Drug Eluting Technology Show is a full educational program featuring a panel of experts and key opinion leaders, aiming to raise awareness about drug-eluting technologies. These have emerged as effective and safe options for treating PAD, especially compared to POBA or bare-metal stents.

Join us for this must-attend event, where cutting-edge insights, real-world case discussions, and interactive sessions will help shape the future of vascular interventions.


Program Opening

PART I – Drug Eluting Technology: Where We Stand Now

  • Paclitaxel Safety – Latest findings, FDA updates, and clinical implications.
  • DES & DCB Benefits Over BMS and POBA – Long-term outcomes, restenosis rates, and clinical evidence.
  • The Restenosis Challenge – Prevention strategies and case studies.
  • Dealing with Complex Cases – DES vs. DCB optimal strategy in multidisciplinary treatments.

PART II – Live Case Procedure from UK

PART III – Sharing Experiences & Best Practices

DET Clinical Cases: Review & Discussion (Clinical Case #1, Clinical Case #2, Clinical Case #3 & Clinical Case #4)

Program Closing Ceremony

Submit Your Case – FREE ACCESS >>

This program is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from
Boston Scientific Logo


This activity has been accredited by the European Board for Accreditation of Continuing Education for Health Professionals (EBAC®).


Through an agreement between the European Board for Accreditation of Continuing Education for Health Professionals and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EBAC® CE credits to AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert EBAC credit to AMA credit can be found on the AMA website.

EBAC Standard Evaluation Form

EBAC Evaluation


Date du tournage : 04/04/2025
Dernière mise à jour : 28/03/2025

The DET Show - Call for Clinical Case Submissions

Submission deadline: Start your submission today and be part of the innovation! Step 1 Download the template *Available until March 31st. Who Can Partic...

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