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The team of Louis Pasteur Clinic



Live procedure of complex renal artery stenting with pressure wire gradient measurement.

Operators : Max Amor M.D, Christian Breton, Zukai Chati and the Team of Louis Pasteur

Lecture : Indications and Technics of Renal Artery Stenting.

Final Discussion and chat.


Target Audience:

Interventional cardiologists, Interventional radiologists, Vascular surgeons and Nephrologists seeking to acquire or improve or learn more about technics and indications of renal artery stenting.

Learning Objectives:

Learn tips and tricks of renal artery stenting.

Discuss radial and femoral access.

Discuss role of new stents.

Discuss management of restenosis ( DES ,DEB). 

Discuss complex cases : AAA,Bilateral lesion .solitary kidney...

Discuss role of pressure wire gradient measurement.






Date du tournage : 25/07/2012
Dernière mise à jour : 09/06/2021
Max Amor
Essey-lès-Nancy, France
Christian Breton
Essey-lès-Nancy, France
Participer à la discussion
  • Benjamin F.

    Congratulations Max !

    Wath is your preference in general for Guidewires for Ren Artery stenting? .014" or 018" ?


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    • Hesham E.

      Thanks, we get much benefit from this


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      • wan D.

        it is a great help for me ! thanks a lot!

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