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Introduction & Case Presentation
  • Patient's Presentation
  • Gender: female
  • Age: 79 years old
  • Height: 160 cm
  • Weight: 67 kg
  • BMI: 26
  • BSA: 1,7
  • Active life, normal cognitive function
  • Prior clinical history
  • Prior history: no
  • Risk factors: HTN, diabetes
  • Baseline medical treatment: Sartan
  • Clinical Presentation
  • NYHA 2
  • Aortic stenosis murmur 5/6
  • ECG: Sinus rhythm, normal conduction and repolarisation


Live case performance
Conclusion & Take home message



  • Learn about the features and benefits of the  ACURATE neo™ Aortic Valve System during Transfemoral TAVI
  • Learn how to choose and best size the ACURATE neo™ Aortic Valve System during Transfemoral TAVI
  • Understand how to plan and efficiently use Cerebral Embolic Protection during TAVI with the SENTINEL CPS device


  • Cardiologists interested in structural heart and TAVI procedures
  • Cardiac surgeons performing TAVI
  • Cardiac Nurse specialists with an interest in Structural Heart and TAVI procedures
Date du tournage : 24/09/2020
Dernière mise à jour : 28/02/2022
Thomas Cuisset
Marseille, France
Pierre Deharo
Marseille, France
Ole De Backer
Copenhagen, Danemark
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  • Teoman K. What do you think about superiority of accurate in cases of risk of coronary occlusion? And inferiority in valve in valve cases

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