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To understand long term impact of AF and the rhythm treatment options available.
To understand the clinical value of catheter ablation for the AF patient and patient selection for catheter ablation.


Progression of AF: natural history, consequences of progression, long term impact
Rhythm treatment options: Goals of AF management, rate vs rhythm control, management guidelines

Catheter Ablation :

  • Indications
  • Patient selection
  • Clinical value for the Paroxysmal AF patient
  • Clinical Value for the Persistent AF patient
  • Anticoagulation management pre, during & post procedure
  • Long term outcomes of catheter ablation including impact on stroke, HF and mortality

Date du tournage : 31/10/2013
Dernière mise à jour : 08/06/2021
Jens Cosedis Nielsen
Aarhus Nord, Danemark
Albert Meijer
Eindhoven, Pays-Bas
Richard Schilling
London, Royaume Uni
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