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  • Lea L. In patients with stable Coronary Artery Disease and symptomatic Carotid Stenosis, we prefer Carotid Surgery if possible. In asymptomatic patients we consder Carotid artery stenting as a therapeutic option.
    How do you manage patients with unstable angina, Coronary artery disease with indication of CABG and bilateral Carotid Artery Stenosis ?

    • Max A. In such patients we propose to perform a Carotid Artery Stenting of the most severe Artery Stenosis and eventually to both Carotid and place the patient under Heparin and Aspirin before surgery. Clopidogrel is given after surgery

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  • Mike C. Hello,
    What are the details of the Carotid Shuttle ?


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    • Max A. It is a 90cm 6F Cook Carotid Shuttle.
      The other shuttle is the Destination introducer from Terumo

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      • Mike C. Ok thank you !
        Why you didn't used the Femoral access ?

        • Max A. This patient has a bilateral Illiac Artery Stenting, and the access from the Radial was easy.
          This patient is also a Coronary Insufficency patient who asked for Radial approach.

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      Amit S.

      Short term clinical training for IMG

      Is it possible for an IMG (international Medical Graduate) who has Completed his General Cardiology fellowship from Non-EU country (India) to get short term clinical training in Italian Centre to enhance knowledge and skills?

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      Propriétaire : Maryann Odusanya
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