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Tuesday June 10

08.00 BTK and CLI: how to succeed?
Moderators: P. Schneider, A. Stella, M. Fusaro, F. Airoldi

08.00 Developing concepts

08.00 What do we really know about pedal angiosomes? When is the collateral circulation adequate to heal the foot through indirect revascularization and how do we know when we have done enough? V. Alexandrescu
08.07 The first commandment of angioplasty for CLI: respect the “landing zone” R. Ferraresi
08.14 Pedal angioplasty: in which cases does it help and when is it too risky? M. Fusaro
08.21 Discussion

08.26 New tools

08.26 Tools and options for crossing long tibial occlusions, J. Brunet
08.33 Dedicated, self-expanding, drug eluting stent for the BTK arteries: the Stentys device and 6 month trial results, K. Deloose
08.40 Is there a place for very distal BTK stenting? What are the options for acute PTA failure? E. Puras Malagray
08.47 Bifurcated BTK stents: when and how to do it, G. Coppi
08.54 Discussion

09.00 Debate

09.00 BTK drug coated balloons will eventually solve our problem with CLI, G. Tepe
09.08 Drug coated balloons are dangerous in CLI. How about PTA or atherectomy with bailout DES when needed? M. Bosiers
09.16 Discussion

09.20 Next steps

09.20 What evidence do we have for an “endo first” approach to CLI? Is it good marketing or good science? P. Schneider
09.28 Indian experience in CLI, R. Tripathi
09.36 These are the trials that need to be done to advance CLI, M. Bosiers
09.44 Discussion
09.50 Panel discussion

10.00 Industry sponsored symposium

10.45 Coffee break in the exhibition hall

11.15 Choosing covered stents
Moderators: L. Inglese, C. Rabbia, T. Ischinger

11.15 History of covered stents for small and medium size vessels, L. Inglese
11.25 Why I prefer to use conventional stents instead of covered stents for renal artery stenosis, C. Rabbia
11.35 Covered stents vs coiling or in combination for bail out of visceral vessels aneurysms, F. Numan

11.45 Covered or semi covered stent for CAS. A glimpse into the future? N. Hopkins
11.55 Choice of covered stents for chimney, parallel or sandwich procedures, M. Lachat
12.05 Covered stents vs bare in treating CoAo or reCoAo, Z. Krajcer
12.15 SFA & POP a. restenosis: is there a role for covered stents? P. Schneider
12.25 Which type of neointima could we expect after covered stent deployment?
What and how long should we anti aggregate? K. Mathias
12.35 Discussion

13.00 Lunch break

14.00 CTO management
Moderators: E. Ducasse, M. Farber, P. Schneider, R. Hassen-Khodja

14.00 Evidence for endovascular treatment for TASC C and D femoral lesions, K. Deloose
14.10 CTO long recanalization: tips and tricks for crossing and re-entry, R. Ferraresi
14.20 Retrograde accesses and possibilities for CTO recanalization, E. Ducasse
14.30 Long stenting for CTO management, Y. Gouëffic
14.40 Focal stenting for CTO management, P. Schneider
14.50 DEB for CTO management, G. Tepe
15.00 Covered stent for CTO management, F. Verzini
15.10 DES for CTO management, P. Commeau
15.20 Recanalization management for CTO with previous stent, S. Ronchey
15.30 Video case of CTO management, A. Sauguet
15.40 Discussion

15.45 Industry sponsored symposium

16.30 Junior’s program
Moderators: N. Cheshire, J. Busquet

18.00 Adjournment

Shooting date : 2014-06-10
Last update : 2021-06-22


Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 12:45pm to 05pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 01:45am to 06am (GMT+2)
San Francisco : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 04:45am to 09am (GMT+2)
New York : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 07:45am to 12pm (GMT+2)
Buenos Aires : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 08:45am to 01pm (GMT+2)
Reykjavik : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 11:45am to 04pm (GMT+2)
London / Dublin : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 12:45pm to 05pm (GMT+2)
Paris / Berlin : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 01:45pm to 06pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 02:45pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
Moscou / Dubaï : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 03:45pm to 08pm (GMT+2)
Bangkok : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 06:45pm to 11pm (GMT+2)
Shanghai : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 07:45pm to 12am (GMT+2)
Tokyo : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 08:45pm to 01am (GMT+2)
Sydney : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 10:45pm to 03am (GMT+2)
Wellington : Monday, June 9th 2014 from 12:45am to 05am (GMT+2)

MEET Congress 2014 - Day 1

Nice France June 2014

January 2014
Honolulu : Wednesday, January 29th 2014 from 04:30am to 05:30am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Wednesday, January 29th 2014 from 06:30am to 07:30am (GMT+1)
New York : Wednesday, January 29th 2014 from 09:30am to 10:30am (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Wednesday, January 29th 2014 from 11:30am to 12:30pm (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Wednesday, January 29th 2014 from 02:30pm to 03:30pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Wednesday, January 29th 2014 from 03:30pm to 04:30pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Wednesday, January 29th 2014 from 04:30pm to 05:30pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Wednesday, January 29th 2014 from 06:30pm to 07:30pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Wednesday, January 29th 2014 from 09:30pm to 10:30pm (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Wednesday, January 29th 2014 from 10:30pm to 11:30pm (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Wednesday, January 29th 2014 from 11:30pm to 12:30am (GMT+1)
Sydney : Thursday, January 30th 2014 from 12:30am to 01:30am (GMT+1)
Wellington : Thursday, January 30th 2014 from 02:30am to 03:30am (GMT+1)

Electronic Endovascular Education Program: Below the Knee Interventions

Live session from LINC congress, Leipzig - Germany

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