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Monday June 9

08.00 New developments in carotid stenting
Moderators: K. Mathias, N. Hopkins

08.00 Endovascular treatment of carotid artery occlusion in acute stroke, K. Mathias
08.07 Stenting of carotid dissection at the acute phase, E. Houdart
08.14 Carotid stenting in subtotal carotid stenosis, I. Petrov
08.21 OCT evaluation of micromesh carotid stend, J. Lemoine
08.28 CAS 2014 : where are we for symptomatic patients? N. Hopkins
08.35 CAS 2014 : where are we for asymptomatic patients? A. Halliday
08.42 Simultaneous bilateral carotid artery stenting vs unilateral carotid artery stenting:
early and long-term results, X. Jiang
08.54 Why asymptomatic carotid stenoses should be treated, C. Buckley
09.01 Flow reversal for carotid protection in difficult cases: tips and tricks, P. Montorsi
09.08 Discussion

09.12 Case reports and videos with MCQ

09.12 A new area for CAS with a novel stent, M. Amor
09.19 A safe cervical access for CAS using US guidance and closing device, P. Bergeron
09.26 Endovascular treatment of a giant extra cranial carotid artery aneurysm, Z. Krajcer
09.33 A Silk Road case, N. Hopkins
09.40 Discussion

09.45 Industry sponsored symposium

10.30 Coffee break in the exhibition hall

11.00 EVAR challenges: follow-up, endoleaks and complications
Moderators: I. van Herzeele, S. Ronchey, N. Cheshire, Z. Krajcer

11.00 Debate

11.00 If you don’t have an effective follow-up program, don’t do EVAR, M. Thompson
11.07 Not every EVAR patient needs strict follow-up, R. McWilliams
11.14 Vote & discussion

11.20 Case presentation with interactive voting, A. Mansilha
11.27 Enlargement of the proximal neck, P. Cao, C. Ferrer

11.34 How do I treat type I endoleaks?

11.34 FEVAR, T. Resch
11.41 Endoanchors are the way forward, J-P. De Vries
11.48 Chimps, M. Lachat
11.55 Vote & discussion

12.02 Treatment of type II endoleak, J. Van Den Berg
12.09 Why not prevent endoleaks before they become a frustrating problem? C. Buckley
12.16 EVAS: initial experience with NELLIX, J-M. Alsac
12.23 Late results of secondary interventions for endoleaks, F. Verzini
12.27 Intentional occlusion of fenestrations and sidebranches for endoleak treatment: incidence, underlying reasons and techniques, J. Tessarek

12.34 Rescue EVAR for ruptured AAA: clinical success doesn’t meen technical success, F. Setacci
12.41 Discussion

12.48 Infected stent-grafts

12.48 PET-CT in the follow-up of EVAR-treated AAA complicated by aorto-duodenal fistula, N. Sakalihasan
12.55 Conservative, endovascular relining or conversion, L. Chiche
13.02 Discussion

13.15 Lunch break

14.15 Meet the companies
Moderators: C. Setacci, C. Mialhe, R. McWilliams

ePosters competition session
Jury: N. Cheshire, I. Van Herzeele

15.45 Coffee break in the exhibition hall

16.15 Industry sponsored symposium

17.00 Renal artery stenosis and denervation
Moderators: H. Benamer, M. Amor, B. Faurie, X. Jiang

17.00 What is the place today of renal angioplasty, A. Sauguet
17.10 Rational for the renal denervation in resistant hypertension, A. Pathak
17.20 Results and a French experience of renal denervation in resistant hypertension, H. Benamer
17.30 Anatomic datas in renal denervation, M. Amor
17.40 Simple to complex renal denervation cases, H. Benamer
17.50 Discussion

18.00 Honorary lecture: the pioneers in endovascular area, E. Diethrich

18.30 End of the sessions

Shooting date : 2014-06-09
Last update : 2021-06-22


Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 12:30pm to 02pm (GMT+1)
Honolulu : Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 12:30am to 02am (GMT+1)
San Francisco : Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 02:30am to 04am (GMT+1)
New York : Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 05:30am to 07am (GMT+1)
Buenos Aires : Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 07:30am to 09am (GMT+1)
London / Dublin : Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 10:30am to 12pm (GMT+1)
Paris / Berlin : Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 11:30am to 01pm (GMT+1)
Istanbul : Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 12:30pm to 02pm (GMT+1)
Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 02:30pm to 04pm (GMT+1)
Bangkok : Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 05:30pm to 07pm (GMT+1)
Shanghai : Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 06:30pm to 08pm (GMT+1)
Tokyo : Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 07:30pm to 09pm (GMT+1)
Sydney : Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 08:30pm to 10pm (GMT+1)
Wellington : Thursday, December 1st 2022 from 10:30pm to 12am (GMT+1)

Approche francophone des lésions périphériques complexes

Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 12:45pm to 05pm (GMT+2)
Honolulu : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 12:45am to 05am (GMT+2)
San Francisco : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 03:45am to 08am (GMT+2)
New York : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 06:45am to 11am (GMT+2)
Buenos Aires : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 07:45am to 12pm (GMT+2)
Reykjavik : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 10:45am to 03pm (GMT+2)
London / Dublin : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 11:45am to 04pm (GMT+2)
Paris / Berlin : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 12:45pm to 05pm (GMT+2)
Istanbul : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 01:45pm to 06pm (GMT+2)
Moscou / Dubaï : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 02:45pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
Bangkok : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 05:45pm to 10pm (GMT+2)
Shanghai : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 06:45pm to 11pm (GMT+2)
Tokyo : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 07:45pm to 12am (GMT+2)
Sydney : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 09:45pm to 02am (GMT+2)
Wellington : Sunday, June 8th 2014 from 11:45pm to 04am (GMT+2)

MEET Congress 2014 - Day 1

Nice France June 2014

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