Friday January 22
08.30 Lower Limb Occlusive Disease
Chairmen Alan Dardik, Koen Deloose, Yann Gouëffic, Peter Schneider
What you need to know to perform successful peripheral repair
08.30 Why duplex scans should be mastered by vascular surgeons, Enrico Ascher
08.40 Drug eluted balloons. Concepts, products and how to use them, George Papandreou
08.50 After one year, what are the results of DES? Koen Keirse
09.00 Drug coated balloons. What are the specificities and clinical results? Frank Vermassen
09.10 In stent restenosis: is DCB the ultimate tool? Giovanni Torsello
09.20 What does "stent’s radial force" mean? Koen Deloose
09.30 DES: what happen after 5 years. Are DES still better than bare stents? Michael Dake
09.40 DES versus recent bare stents: is the drug more efficient than a placebo? Yann Gouëffic
09.50 Discussion
10.30 Challenges in Lower Limb Endovascular Repair: How to Break the Limits
Chairmen Ali Amin, Michael Dake, Eric Ducasse, Peter Goverde
10.30 One day surgery for endovascular repair: basic requirements and patient’s selection. US experience, Peter Schneider
10.40 SFA long lesions: which one can be treated endo and how? Koen Deloose
10.50 BTK lesions: DEB or DES? Roberto Ferraresi
11.00 Tibial arteries repair: when and how, Peter Schneider
11.10 What can be expected of tibial repair in diabetic patients, Daniel Brandao
11.20 Ankle approaches: material, techniques and some results, Roberto Ferraresi
11.30 Is there a role for distal bypass in the endovascular era: lessons learnt from 15.000 procedures, Clement Darling
11.40 Bypass in the leg after failed endo repair. Do the results compare to first line bypass? Julien Sfeir
11.50 Follow-up of patients treated by prosthetic bypass of the lower limb, cost model evaluation at two years, Yann Gouëffic
The CACVS Congress gathered more than 150 world renowned faculty members. During 3 days of scientific sessions, they presented many outstanding communications. You can now view the aut...