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13.45 Welcome address, Jean-Pierre Becquemin

14.00 Thoracic and Thoraco Abdominal Aneurysms - PART I
Chairmen: Jean-Pierre Becquemin, Piergiorgio Cao, Grzegorz Oszkinis, Ramesh Tripathi, Fabio Verzini

14.00 Expansion, risk of rupture: are our current guidelines still valid? Matt Thompson

Proximal issues
14.10 Should we choose a specific stent graft for a specific anatomy? Mourad Boufi
14.20 Proximal scallop: marketing or real benefit? Jean-Marc Alsac
14.40 Use of a single branch thoracic endograft in the arch: early experience, Michel Makaroun
14.50 Discussion

New stent grafts for the thoracic and thoraco abdo segment
15.00 PTFe graft,  Peter Gloviczky
15.07 Complete Endovascular Debranching: design considerations,Patrick Kelly
15.14 Discussion

Duel. Fenestrated grafts should be performed in expert centers only
15.20 Against the motion, Nicolas Valerio
15.30 For the motion, Frédéric Cochennec
15.40 Discussion

16.20 Thoracic and Thoraco Abdominal Aneurysms - PART II
Chairmen : Xavier Chaufour, Mario Lachat, Gustavo Oderich, Matt Thompson

More about TAAA
16.20 Fenestrations, branches for TAAA. Technical tips and tricks I learned to succeed, Tara Mastracci
16.40 Endo or open. What are the scientific criteria of choice? Piergiorgio Cao
16.50 Discussion

17.00 Industry symposia

18.00 Arch
Chairmen Xavier Chaufour, Mario Lachat, Gustavo Oderich, Matt Thompson

Duel on the arch
18.10 Total endovascular repair is the best choice, Stéphan Haulon
18.20 Try the sandwich, you will love it, Armando Lobato
18.30 Discussion

Shooting date : 2016-01-21
Last update : 2021-06-24

CACVS 2016

The CACVS Congress gathered more than 150 world renowned faculty members. During 3 days of scientific sessions, they presented many outstanding communications. You can now view the aut...

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