This didactic procedure concerns a 77 years old man with a history of an open replacement of the abdominal aortic aneurysm by bifurcated aorto-bi-iliac graft in 2013, heart failure, atrial fibrillation hypertension and COPD.
He presented to the ER with severe back pain. CT scan showed 70mm diameter thoracic aneurysm with short neck, extended to the abdominal part (coeliac trunk), the infra renal aortic part was replaced in 2013 by open surgery by a bifurcated graft, an occlusion of the left IIA and significant stenosis on both EIA that does not seem to compromise access with the 24 Fr sheath. Both renal arteries and digestive arteries were patents.
Step-by-step procedure:
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Adnan J. Very nice case thanks