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Clinical Data

  • Male, 72 years old
  • Cardiovascular Risk factors: Former smoker
  • Clinical presentation: dyspnea and chest pain
  • ECG normal and normal LVEF
  • Catheterization 3 vessels diseased. Stenting mild LAD and distal RCA CTO of proximal RCx
  • Clearance: 55 mL/min
  • Complete myocardial revascularisation after CTO PCI in proximal LCx
Shooting date : 2017-10-16
Last update : 2018-01-23

Pantera Pro / Biotronik

Semi-compliant workhorse Balloon

Orsiro® / Biotronik

Hybrid drug-elucting Stent

NHancer RX / IMDS

Dual lumen microcatheter
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  • DILIPKUMAR P. good..

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    • Tekten T. thanks

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      • Tekten T.

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        Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 from 05pm to 06:15pm (GMT+2)
        Honolulu : Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 from 05am to 06:15am (GMT+2)
        San Francisco : Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 from 08am to 09:15am (GMT+2)
        New York : Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 from 11am to 12:15pm (GMT+2)
        Buenos Aires : Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 from 12pm to 01:15pm (GMT+2)
        Reykjavik : Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 from 03pm to 04:15pm (GMT+2)
        London / Dublin : Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 from 04pm to 05:15pm (GMT+2)
        Paris / Berlin : Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 from 05pm to 06:15pm (GMT+2)
        Istanbul : Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 from 06pm to 07:15pm (GMT+2)
        Moscou / Dubaï : Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 from 07pm to 08:15pm (GMT+2)
        Bangkok : Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 from 10pm to 11:15pm (GMT+2)
        Shanghai : Tuesday, April 23rd 2024 from 11pm to 12:15am (GMT+2)
        Tokyo : Wednesday, April 24th 2024 from 12am to 01:15am (GMT+2)
        Sydney : Wednesday, April 24th 2024 from 02am to 03:15am (GMT+2)
        Wellington : Wednesday, April 24th 2024 from 04am to 05:15am (GMT+2)

        From Access to Closure through Treatment:

        How to Maximize Outcomes while Minimizing Impact

        Wednesday, October 16th 2024 from 06pm to 06:45pm (GMT+2)
        Honolulu : Wednesday, October 16th 2024 from 06am to 06:45am (GMT+2)
        San Francisco : Wednesday, October 16th 2024 from 09am to 09:45am (GMT+2)
        New York : Wednesday, October 16th 2024 from 12pm to 12:45pm (GMT+2)
        Buenos Aires : Wednesday, October 16th 2024 from 01pm to 01:45pm (GMT+2)
        Reykjavik : Wednesday, October 16th 2024 from 04pm to 04:45pm (GMT+2)
        London / Dublin : Wednesday, October 16th 2024 from 05pm to 05:45pm (GMT+2)
        Paris / Berlin : Wednesday, October 16th 2024 from 06pm to 06:45pm (GMT+2)
        Istanbul : Wednesday, October 16th 2024 from 07pm to 07:45pm (GMT+2)
        Moscou / Dubaï : Wednesday, October 16th 2024 from 08pm to 08:45pm (GMT+2)
        Bangkok : Wednesday, October 16th 2024 from 11pm to 11:45pm (GMT+2)
        Shanghai : Thursday, October 17th 2024 from 12am to 12:45am (GMT+2)
        Tokyo : Thursday, October 17th 2024 from 01am to 01:45am (GMT+2)
        Sydney : Thursday, October 17th 2024 from 03am to 03:45am (GMT+2)
        Wellington : Thursday, October 17th 2024 from 05am to 05:45am (GMT+2)

        Guides de 1ère intention :

        les trucs et les astuces qui aident en pratique

        Wednesday, September 14th 2022 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
        Honolulu : Wednesday, September 14th 2022 from 06am to 07am (GMT+2)
        San Francisco : Wednesday, September 14th 2022 from 09am to 10am (GMT+2)
        New York : Wednesday, September 14th 2022 from 12pm to 01pm (GMT+2)
        Buenos Aires : Wednesday, September 14th 2022 from 01pm to 02pm (GMT+2)
        Reykjavik : Wednesday, September 14th 2022 from 04pm to 05pm (GMT+2)
        London / Dublin : Wednesday, September 14th 2022 from 05pm to 06pm (GMT+2)
        Paris / Berlin : Wednesday, September 14th 2022 from 06pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
        Istanbul : Wednesday, September 14th 2022 from 07pm to 08pm (GMT+2)
        Moscou / Dubaï : Wednesday, September 14th 2022 from 08pm to 09pm (GMT+2)
        Bangkok : Wednesday, September 14th 2022 from 11pm to 12am (GMT+2)
        Shanghai : Thursday, September 15th 2022 from 12am to 01am (GMT+2)
        Tokyo : Thursday, September 15th 2022 from 01am to 02am (GMT+2)
        Sydney : Thursday, September 15th 2022 from 03am to 04am (GMT+2)
        Wellington : Thursday, September 15th 2022 from 05am to 06am (GMT+2)

        Protected PCI: Clinical Evidence and Best Practices Improvement

        Impella Case Club

        Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 12:30pm to 02pm (GMT+2)
        Honolulu : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 12:30am to 02am (GMT+2)
        San Francisco : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 03:30am to 05am (GMT+2)
        New York : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 06:30am to 08am (GMT+2)
        Buenos Aires : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 07:30am to 09am (GMT+2)
        Reykjavik : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 10:30am to 12pm (GMT+2)
        London / Dublin : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 11:30am to 01pm (GMT+2)
        Paris / Berlin : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 12:30pm to 02pm (GMT+2)
        Istanbul : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 01:30pm to 03pm (GMT+2)
        Moscou / Dubaï : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 02:30pm to 04pm (GMT+2)
        Bangkok : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 05:30pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
        Shanghai : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 06:30pm to 08pm (GMT+2)
        Tokyo : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 07:30pm to 09pm (GMT+2)
        Sydney : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 09:30pm to 11pm (GMT+2)
        Wellington : Thursday, October 6th 2022 from 11:30pm to 01am (GMT+2)

        Ballon actif ou stent actif

        Quand le passé rencontre le futur

        Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 12:30pm to 02pm (GMT+2)
        Honolulu : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 12:30am to 02am (GMT+2)
        San Francisco : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 03:30am to 05am (GMT+2)
        New York : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 06:30am to 08am (GMT+2)
        Buenos Aires : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 07:30am to 09am (GMT+2)
        Reykjavik : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 10:30am to 12pm (GMT+2)
        London / Dublin : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 11:30am to 01pm (GMT+2)
        Paris / Berlin : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 12:30pm to 02pm (GMT+2)
        Istanbul : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 01:30pm to 03pm (GMT+2)
        Moscou / Dubaï : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 02:30pm to 04pm (GMT+2)
        Bangkok : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 05:30pm to 07pm (GMT+2)
        Shanghai : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 06:30pm to 08pm (GMT+2)
        Tokyo : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 07:30pm to 09pm (GMT+2)
        Sydney : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 09:30pm to 11pm (GMT+2)
        Wellington : Tuesday, October 17th 2017 from 11:30pm to 01am (GMT+2)

        Chronic occlusions, what else? Discover New Tools in coronary and peripheral diseases

        Anchoring catheter, microcatheter, dual lumen or extension catheters?

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