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Shooting date : 2017-06-30
Last update : 2017-07-18
Daniel Weilenmann
St. Gallen, Switzerland

ML CTO 2017 : Speakers' interviews

  Thursday, June 29th, 2017   Session 1: CTO PCI BASICS  Christopher Buller, MD: "Why should we treat CTOs: impact on ischemia and...



Interview: Christopher Buller, MD

Why should we treat CTOs impact on ischemia and LV function


Interview: Colm Hanratty, MD

Difficult ADR situations: how to handle?


Interview: Stéphane Rinfret, MD

Recent trials on CTO PCI: should it change practice?


Interview: Pr Paul Knaapen

Microcatheter overview how to choose and use


Interview: Mauro Carlino, MD

Principles of contrast modulation techniques


Interview: Kambis Mashayekhi, MD

Perforations: the complete toolbox and how to use it


Interview: Thomas Hovasse, MD

Requirements for initiation of CTO PCI program: tools and set up

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