Case summary
•83 year old male patient
•PMHx: CABG (1991): LIMA-OM1, SVG sequential to D1 + LAD; PVD; atrial fibrillation
•Presented with asymptomatic deterioration in LV function
•PCI to SVG-LAD (06/2016)
•EF: 36%, myocardium supplied by RCA viable
•Meds: Apixaban 2.5 mg 2x/d, clopidogrel
–Apixaban stopped 48h before PCI
–VerifyNow performed
–Loaded with aspirin IV
•Femoral access 7Fr
•IVUS evaluation of the prox RCA (++calcified)
•Evaluation of distal RCA
•Probable PCI prox RCA +/- need for rotablation

Shooting date : 2016-07-08
Last update : 2021-05-21
Patricio N. nice teaching case
wenliang X. Wonderful