An 86 symptomatic year old male with left main trunk stenosis and osteal LAD stenosis evaluated by IVUS for stenosis assessment, step procedures, and expansion of stenting.
Case summary
•86 year old male patient
•PMHx: PCI RAC (2007)
•eGFR 34 ml/min
•EF 25%
•Unstable angina
•ASA + Plavix
•Femoral access 6Fr
•IVUS to evaluate ostial LMS + prox LAD disease
•Probable PCI ostial LMS
•If IVUS prox LAD dubious -> FFR LAD post stenting LMS

Shooting date : 2016-07-08
Last update : 2021-06-09
Yahya Y. Nice demonstration. Its better to show how to interprete longitudinal view of IVUS
Saif A. Nice and clear discussion
I was wondering if FFR for mid LAD