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Program (GMT +2)

12:30 Introduction
  Clinical case presentation - strategy
  Live case starting
  Choice of material : Specifications & benefits 
  Clinical results review about evolution of PCI in complex patients
  Live case conclusion
  Q&A session with experts
14:00 Take home messages and conclusion

Clinical case presentation

  • 79 year old female patient
  • No significant past medical history
  • Presented with stable angina
  • Myocardial perfusion imaging revealed a large anterior perfusion defect
  • EF : 60%
  • Coronary angiography : severe LMS trifurcation lesion /additional severe stenoses prox LAD/D1 bifurcation and OM2.

Case strategy

  • Syntax I score : 28
  • Syntax II score :
    - PCI : 37.9 (PCI 4-yr mortality 12.8%)
    - CABG : 34.5 (PCI 4 yr mortality 9.7%)
    Recommendation : CABG or PCI
  • Patient preferred PCI option, Heart team in agreement
  • Planned PCI strategy
    - Pre-intervention IVUS evaluation of LAD lesion and LMS trifurcation
    - PCI of LAD and LCx lesions
    - PCI of LMS trifurcation lesion (provisional or 2-stent technique)
    - IVUS to evaluate/optimise the PCI result

Case diagnostic image

Educational objectives

  • Improve coronary angioplasty knowledge (techniques and approach strategies)
  • Step-by-step treatment of complex left main trifurcation lesion (single vs double stent strategy / stent design and sizing in LMS PCI)
  • Discuss the choice of a material for specific patients (short DAPT, early healing) and specific lesions (calcified, left main, bifurcation...) in your practice
  • The role of intracoronary imaging modalities in guiding and optimising the PCI result
  • Compare techniques and approach strategies of different experts


This web symposium is dedicated to interventional cardiologists interested and/or specialized in coronary angioplasty.
A prerequisite for attendees is an initial knowledge and practice of angioplasty.

Shooting date : 2016-07-08
Last update : 2021-06-09
Join the Discussion
  • HORE D.


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    • Umar S. Excellent work

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